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E System Sales, Inc. 

NEC SV9100 Phones

NEC SV9100 Phones

We have most all of the phones available for the NEC SV9100 phone system available in a digital configuration and an IP configuration.

The digital phone connects to the system via a typical single pair of wire connected to a station card mounted in the system.

Thge IP phones however connect to the system via an existing computer network coneected to the phone system.

NEC SV9100 24 Button Phone

NEC 24 Button Phone

NEC 24 Button Digital Phone

NEC 24 Button IP Phone

Amongst all of the standard buttons this phone has 24 programmable buttons for such capabilities such as line appearence and DSS or phone appearence.

NEC SV9100 12 Button Phone

NEC 12 Button Phone

12 Button Digital Phone

12 Button IP Phone

Amongst all of the standard buttons this phone has 24 programmable buttons for such capabilities such as line appearence and DSS or phone appearence.

NEC SV9100 8 Button Phone

NEC SV9100 8 Button Phone

NEC 8 Button Digital Phone

NEC 8 Button IP Phone

This phone is a desiless - higher end model phone that requires a little more training on how to use this phone effectivly.

NEC SV9100 6 Button Phone

NEC SV9100 6 Button Phone

NEC 6 Button Digital Phone

NEC 6 Button IP Phone

Designed for small business or work stations with minimul phone needs the 6 button phone would mostly be used to see up to 6 incoming lines.

NEC SV9100 Cordless Phone



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NEC SV9100 Phones